blue heart with a red cape with the words the greatest super power is love

The greatest Super Power

Love, unconditional love, to be precise is the greatest power of all. It is often referenced from the Bible verses that speak of how, heaven comes to fight for you.

Unconditional love summons an army.  No, really it's more like an entire universe at your command.  The command of your being to be more accurate.  When the ego steps aside of the spirit within.

  Just as this kind of love allows all the cells in your body to work together harmoniously, your external reality, represented by your thoughts and feelings of the people, places and things around you will do the same.

Realizing also, that harmony is balance.  Without darkness, there cannot be light, etc.  But, that is another blog post and I could quickly get off topic here so, back to love. 

The entirety of our life is to be experienced from the vibration of unconditional love.  Though, it's likely to happen in fleeting moments at first. 

The alignment with this kind of love is “The Kingdom of Heaven.”   Heaven is now.  As above so below.  As within, so without.  We are already in heaven so to speak, we just cannot perceive it outside of unconditional love.  You can only know this from vibrating at that frequency. 

You see, everything is energy.  We perceive the energy through all of our senses, and then we describe it with our words.  Words that we have given meaning to with our decisions and judgements. 

We then, tell stories with those words.  Which in many ways, is perfectly fine.  This is why we each can have the same experience, but describe it completely different. 

By the time we are in first grade, we have decided things about these words and stories.  They shape our lives.  They cause us to act and not act upon things or even to notice them at all.  We become what we have decided about the stories and then, we pass this on to our children. And so it goes. 

Even if we say different words, we subconsciously transfer this information at the level of being. Outside of our awareness.  This can be very beneficial in some ways but very limiting in others.

If you learn and cultivate unconditional love into your mind and heart you will become aligned with the power that creates everything.  

You will see through the stories and act from awareness.  Awareness from the vibration of unconditional love can be very different than awareness of the present moment which may still be colored by your previous decisions.

You will begin to see the bigger picture, which allows for compassion, mostly for yourself at first, as you come to know that what you were once certain of and justified in thinking, being, and acting on was for the most part, not even true. At least not the only truth.

This compassion, then leads to forgiveness.  Which is yet another blog post for another day.

I have integrated this understanding into how I work with people. 

How I coach and teach.  How I allow my clients and students to gain their own understanding, which is nothing short of transformational. 

Being told something and actually being that, are completely different.   One is an abstract idea, while the other is you. 

  This consists of learning the techniques, philosophy, and practices,  understanding them in your own way, becoming congruent, and then being the expression of what that is.

Ultimately, it is being your own fearfully and wonderfully made self.  The you that only you can be.



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